Teaching Activities

4.0    Teaching   Activities.

4.1       Non Standard Units

4.1.1  Teaching Activity For Lower Achievers.

Learning Outcomes :-

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be taught to measure volumes of liquids by using non-standard units correctly.

Materials :-
* Spoon
* Paper Cup
* Soap Container
* Mug
* Pail
* Soft Drink Can
* Task Sheet
Procedures :-
1.) Divide the pupils into group of four to do work in their 
     cooperative learning.
2.) Provide each group with a task sheet.
3.) Appoint one student in the group to be the recorder.
4.) Give each group a set of containers of different sizes, a pail 
     of water an a spoon as a measurement tool.

5.) Have the students fill the containers using spoons of water.

6.) Have pupils to record the number of spoons needed to fill
     the water in the every containers.

As Example :-

     7.)    Asks the question :-
* How many spoons of water will fill up a soft can drink?
* How many spoons of water will fill up a soap container?
* How many spoons of water will fill up a paper cup?
* How many spoons of water will fill up a mug?
8.)    Ask to show their results.



4.1.2    Teaching Activity For Higher Achievers.

Learning Outcomes :
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be taught to measure volumes of liquids by using non-standard units correctly. 

    Materials :
    * Plastic Cup
    * Pail
    * Water Bottle
    * Plastic Food Container
    * Water Jug
    * Flower Vase
    * Task Sheet

Procedures :-
1.) Sets up four stations (Station A,B,C and D) with containers
     of different sizes, a large pail of water and a plastic cup as a
     measurement tool.

2.) Divide the pupils into group of four to do work in their
     cooperative  learning.
3.) Provide each group with a task sheet.
4.) Appoint one student in the group to be the recorder.
5.) Instructs the pupils to estimate the number of cups needed 
    to fill up each containers and pour the water into the
    containers to check their estimates.

Example :

   * Have the pupils to estimate the number of cups needed to
      fill up the water bottle.
   * Asks the students fill the water bottle to check their
6.)  Have the pupils record their findings in the task sheet.
7.)  Each group will spend 5 minutes in each station.
8.)  At end of 5 minutes, the group will have to move on to the
      next station in the clockwise direction.
9.) At the end of teacher collects the task sheet and discuss
      about their findings.
 As Example :-


Teaching   Activity

4.2    Standard Units

4.2.1    Teaching Activity For Lower Achievers.

Learning Outcomes :
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to measure volumes 
of liquids by using standard unit correctly.

Materials :
* Cylinder
* Milk Tin
* Shampoo Bottle
* Plastic Container
* Pail
* Gallon
* Task Sheet

Procedures :-
    1.) Divide the pupils into group of four to do work in their 
      cooperative learning.
    2.)  Provide each group with a Task Sheet.
    3.) Appoint one student in the group to be the recorder.
    4.) Give each group set of containers of different sizes, a pail of water and a cylinder a measurement tool (to measure using Liter).
    5. ) Have the students pouring water into the containers.
      6.) Have the pupils to measure the volume of liquid in each container by pouring the water from the containers into the measuring tool (cylinder).
    7.) Have the pupils to record their findings in the task sheet.

    As Example :
    8.) Asks the question: 

    * How many litters of water will fill up the milk tin?
* How many litters of water will fill up the shampoo bottle?
    * How many litters of water will fill up the plastic container?
    * How many litters of water will fill up the pail?
    * How many litters of water will fill up the gallon?

    9.) Asks to show their results.



4.2.2    Teaching Activity For Higher Achievers.

Learning Outcomes :
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to measure volumes
of liquids by using standard units correctly.

Materials :
* Cylinder             
* Flask
* Kettle
* Mineral Bottle
* Shampoo Bottle
* Milk Tin
* Task Sheet


    1.) Divide the pupils into group of four to do work in their 
         cooperative learning.
    2.) Provide each group with a task sheet.
    3.) Appoint one student in the group to be the recorder.
4.) Give each group two set of containers of different sizes, a pail of 
     water and two cylinders as a measurement tools (each for millilitre 
     and litre).
    5.) Have the students pouring water into the containers.
    6.) Have the pupils to measure the volume of liquid in each
    container by pouring the water from the containers into the 
     measuring tools (cylinders).
    7.) Have the pupils to record their findings in the task sheet. (in 
     millilitre and litre).

    As Example

       8.) Introduce,
                          1000 millilitre   =   1 litre              
                          1 litre                 =   1000millilitre 
       9.) Pupils write their results in the form of statement as  below :-

    * Flask has ______ litres and ______ millilitres.
    * Kettle has ______ litres and ______ millilitres.
    * Mineral Bottle has ______ litres and ______ millilitres.
    * Milk Tin has ______ litres and ______ millilitres.
    * Shampoo Bottle has ______ litres and ______ millilitres.

       10.) Discuss the answers.


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